Knowledge basis



In the industry, materials of which even very small particles can cause health damage, such as respiratory diseases, cardiovascular problems or increased cancer risk are frequently processed.
Therefore, ULMATEC as supplier of extraction technology, has made it its task to protect people in their working environment and the environment from too-high fine dust exposure.

Workplace thresholds and particle fractions
Workplace thresholds and particle fractions

Workplace thresholds and particle fractions

Workplace thresholds are shift average values at a usual exposure of eight hours per day, and at compliance with an average weekly working time of 40 hours.
Dust with a particle size of less than 100 μm is called E-dust (formerly: coarse dust) and can be inhaled through the mouth and nose. Dust with a particle size of less than 5 μm is respirable and can enter the alveolas. This dust is called A-dust (formerly: fine dust).


Particle size dust/smoke types

Partikelgröße Staub-/Raucharten

This is how extraction technology works

From capture to controls:

How extraction technology works

Manual Cleaning

Manual Cleaning

Manual rotation cleaning

Manuelle Rotationsabreinigung

Automatic compressed air filter cleaning (Jet-Pulse)

Automatic compressed air filter cleaning (Jet-Pulse)