Piping, duct and hoses systems are used to connect the individual elements of a suction system to each other.
To meet the many requirements on the market, the product range of ULMATEC GmbH in the area of piping, duct and hose systems is very comprehensive.
Among the nominal values, not only the standard diameters common on the market are possible, but on request and demand, special sizes and parts can be used as well.
We would like to provide a brief overview below:
Piping systems are delivered and installed by ULMATEC in the following designs:
We also supply the matching formed and connection parts for the individual piping systems:
All pipes, formed and connection parts are designed according to the valid DIN standard diameters. Shut-off sliders and throttle valves are also supplied according to the valid DIN standard diameters.
Whether straight ducts, formed pieces or blow-out devices - ULMATEC delivers the right part and will also install it on request.
The design of sheet thickness, radius and size of the duct parts is according to the technical prerequisites and the local situation.
You will receive standard parts according to DIN and duct parts specifically customised for the space demand.
Ask our experts for the duct system suitable for you.
To meet the diverse applications and industry-specific requirements, ULMATEC supplies suction and transport hoses in different designs::
Suction hoses are produced in all DIN standard diameters of 50 - 450 mm by default and connected by our installers on request. We also deliver the matching connection pieces.
ULMATEC uses only approved DIN-tested materials for pipe and duct fastening.
From the hose clamp, to the pipe clamp, to the ceiling suspension with T-carriers, we will supply the system by company Würth.
If you desire a different system, we can supply that as well and use it for installation at your site.